Ways To Donate

Gifts to Harry Hynes Hospice can be made in memory or honor of a loved one. These gifts help ensure patient care and grief programs for those facing critical illness.

Memorials or Honorarium Gifts

A gift made to Harry Hynes Memorial Hospice, in memory or honor of someone, can serve as a meaningful and lasting tribute to your loved one that will live on through care and service to others. Your gift will be acknowledged with a letter sent to the person honored or the family of the memorialized individual. The amount of your gift will remain confidential.

Memorial or Honorarium Bricks and Pavers

The Memory Garden at Harry Hynes Hospice is a beautiful, serene place, open and accessible to the public.

Personalized bricks and pavers provide a way for families and friends to celebrate, honor or remember a loved one, while supporting our mission to provide excellence in end-of-life care.

The garden is located at East 21st St. North in the Collective, just east of K-96 in Wichita.

The garden walkways are lined with trees, small gardens and comfortable benches, all surrounding two lakes. A lovely place to remember loved ones or simply spend time in a place of natural beauty.

For any questions, please contact the Development Department at: 316-265-9441

General and Sustaining Donations

To be used where needed.

An unrestricted gift to Harry Hynes Hospice allows us to fill needs as they arise. Unrestricted gifts are directed into the areas of most need in support of the patients and families we serve. Donations can be made one time, or they can be sustained with gifts made in intervals (weekly, monthly, semi-annually or the frequency of your choice).

Matching Gifts and Workplace Giving

Many companies offer matching gift programs to their employees. A matching gift program can double your original donation. Some companies also match gifts made by retirees and/or spouses.

If you employer offers a matching gift program, please see your company’s human resources department to request a special matching gift form to submit with your donations.

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Harry Hynes Hospice Wish List

As your local, independent non-profit hospice, we rely on community support to sustain our mission and provide high-quality care to patients and their families when they need us. We’ve identified some ways that the community can assist us by providing one or more much-needed wish list items.

Click below for our lnpatient Unit Wish List and our General Wish List.

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Annual or End-Of-Year Giving

The holidays are the perfect time to show your support and generosity! The holidays can be a difficult time for those in hospice care so we like to go above and beyond to provide for our patients and their families.

End-of-year giving is a great way to help us meet our goals before ringing in the new year.

Estate Planning and Endowments

Create a personal legacy by helping us provide high-quality and compassionate care to our community for generations to come.

Tailor a gift to fit your financial, estate and tax plans to gain tax rewards and maintain your financial security. These include bequests, appreciated securities, land, trusts and gift annuities.


The Harry Hynes Hospice Endowment can be restricted for a specific focus or established for the general support and needs of our agency. Endowment funds make it possible for our staff to offer comprehensive end-of-life care now and in the future.

For Estate Planners

Harry Hynes Memorial Hospice is a 501(c)(3).

Our Employer Identification Number is: 48-0952990

For more information about planned giving, please call the Donor Development office.

Kroger, Dillons, Target, AmazonSmile

Help us to better serve your community by designating Harry Hynes Hospice as the recipient for Kroger/Dillons, Target and Amazon Smiles. You can also help by donating items on our Amazon Wish List. Donations will directly benefit Harry Hynes Hospice patients, families, and volunteers.

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Remember to use Smile.Amazon.com, and we will receive an extra donation!

Online / Social Fundraising

Create your own or contribute to an online fundraiser through social media such as Facebook or other platforms benefitting Harry Hynes Hospice.

If you’re tech-savvy, you can help Harry Hynes Hospice by putting those skills to work raising funds.

Facebook Fundraising allows you to ask your friends for donations to Harry Hynes Memorial Hospice. It’s popular to ask for donations on your birthday, or start a fundraiser in memory of a loved one.

Give Your Gifts of Talent

Lend support and gain a rewarding sense of purpose.

As a non-profit organization, we depend on generous community members who share their time, talent and skills to help carry out our mission. A variety of weekday, evening and weekend volunteer opportunities exist across 26 counties within Kansas.

Click below to learn more about volunteer opportunities.